Gratitude Journal Day 3 – Time with loved ones

Today’s gratitude revolves around loved ones – particularly family and friends. Too often in life we don’t take time to stop and acknowledge those special to us, those that we do life with everyday and who make it worth living.

Hot chocolate, churros and beach walks.
My first moment of gratitude is getting the time to go out with my family today and enjoy a treat of hot chocolate, churros and a walk along the beach at Hillary’s Boat Harbour. This has become a little bit of a tradition in our family on holidays and one that I really cherish. The additional bonus today was the stunning weather, despite only being a month into Spring it really was turned on today in Perth with a stunning warm day in the high twenties.

Sharing moments of gratitude at dinner.
Tonight, I tried something different at dinner. Instead of asking the kids for one good thing and one challenging I asked them to think of three things they were grateful for. Love listening to their insights from the day and the reflection afterwards from one of the kids that we probably don’t take as much time as we should thinking of what to be grateful for because there’s always things to be grateful for when we stop and think, but we take it for granted. How true she is. I think I might try to make this more of a tradition each night for the kids.

Dinner with a good friend.
As I sit here writing this I am looking forward to being able to go out and have dinner with one of my closest and oldest friends. I haven’t had the chance to properly hang out and spend time for about six months so know I will have a great time. I am grateful for my wife supporting me in spending time with my friends as well as having friends who I can not see a lot of but always pick things up as if we have not been apart.