90 Day Running Challenge 2024 – Day One

The 2nd of October marks 90 days until the end of the year. Just as like last year, I have decided to treat these last 90 days as an additional running challenge for me to help in keeping myself accountable and break things down as I work towards larger goals. This goal for 2024 being to try and run 2024km in 2024.

I went into today’s run sitting at 1286km for the year, this being behind where I had hoped to be. This week has seen me make good progress having completed 2x 10km runs over the Monday and the Tuesday, Wednesday was a planned lighter day with 8.5km planned to be completed. Before running I have done the maths on what I need to run over this challenge to reach my year goal: I need to run 738km over the 90 days to make my goal. If I break this down into weeks (13 to go until the end of the year) it means needing to run just under 57km per week. This is a bit of a step up from my usual 53km a week during school terms, however my December can see me increase the kms if I go by last year’s efforts of 250km in December.

Today’s run had the added challenge of weather, there is an extreme weather warning in place for the Perth Metro Area today which meant I had to think about the best time to go. Looking at the weather, I decided it was an early start so was up at 4:45am to make my way to Lake Monger. I got started just after 5:00am and managed to get through the first 5.5km before the heavens opened ad the rain started to fall – I got absolutely soaked over the next 3km. I couldn’t help but love the experience, finishing my 8.5km drenched but also buzzing with such enthusiasm for how good the run was – how good is it to be able to do this sort of thing!

I won’t be posting everyday of the challenge, I find that too much of a burden. I will continue to give updates once a week or fortnight. Tomorrow will see me back to the 10km efforts with me looking at then doin a 12km to finish off the week on Friday. Let’s see how close I can get to that 2024km!