Gratitude Journal Day 4 – Abundance.

Today has been the fourth day of me trying to be conscious about finding things in my life to be grateful for. Today proved to be an easy one for many reasons, however I am going to focus on keeping to sharing only about three: Running in the rain; Family and friends; Impromptu moments with the kids.

Running in the rain.
Despite being one month into Spring, a severe weather warning was issued for today which included high level winds, possible thunder storms, hail, and lots of rain. I still wanted to get my run in first thing in the morning and knew in looking at the weather the best bet to avoid the worst of it would be an early start. I was up and going by 4:45am and made my way to Lake Monger where I planned on completing 8.5kms. When I started there was a bit of wind but no rain however, at the 5.5km mark (part way into my second lap) the rain descended and boy did it rain! I got so wet over the last 3kms!!! It might seem like a funny thing to be grateful for, but as I was running along I could help but smile and laugh with joy as the rain soaked me to my core. At around the 7.5km mark I couldn’t help but stretch out my arms as if in victory saying how much I love this! I was still buzzing when I got home so much so that it was difficult to go back to bed and pretend to be asleep for the kids to “wake me up” for a tradition we have in our house.

Well wishes from family and friends.
I had the opportunity to sit and reflect today on how good my life is currently – the number of blessings that I experience everyday. Many of these do have a common element – those that I get to live life with. A thoughtful, heartfelt message sent from someone wishing me well, a reminder that I do have people in my corner who know me and are willing to be invested in my life, appreciating the things that I do for them as well. I hope that in the times that come along that are challenging I can always stop and think about those people special and important in my life. I am who I am partly because of the relationships I have developed and cultivated. Life isn’t meant to be an island of isolation, but lived in relationship and community with others.

Impromptu conversations with kids.
I was sitting on the couch tonight, the kids having just finished dinner when one came and sat next to me and asked me the simplest question. The question was nothing that was ground breaking or impacting for the benefit of humanity, but in that moment knowing that I had noticed something that they had created and that their work has been noticed by me and is important them is something that I shouldn’t take for granted. I am grateful for the privilege to be able to be a Dad and the responsibility for loving them unconditionally and knowing that they love me unconditionally as well.