Gratitude Journal Day 6 – The people around me

Today’s gratitude journal again focuses on the people around me and the thought they continue to have towards me and my family.

Heartfelt Messages of Love.
I am blown away by the love people continue to poor out through messages of kindness. The authentic and loving words people send when thinking of others is something that I think we take for granted at times.

Gratitude at the dinner table.
We’ve been doing the whole “three things that we’re grateful for” and “one thing we’re looking forward to” around the dinner table throughout this week. I have loved hearing everyone’s reflections and the thoughts of things that we have to be grateful for.

Night swims at the local pool.
We took the family for night swim followed by apple pies on the way home. Such a simple small thing, but the delight in the faces while enjoying a late swim and then the enjoyment of apple pies = total win.