Gratitude Journal Day 7 – People

This post is the final post in a week’s worth of recording three things that I am grateful for from the last 24 hours. Already, there seems to be a theme arising on me really appreciating the people there are in my life, those that I get to live and experience life with. Today has been no exception to this.

I am grateful for the boundless layers of generosity that people have continued to show towards both me and my family. Recently, there have been two birthdays that we have celebrated inside the house. A couple of uncles who didn’t get to catch up with the the birthday celebrants on their day messaged and asked to come over to wish happy birthday and drop off some gifts. I had thought that the gifts would be just for one of the birthday celebrants, however when they arrived there was a wonderful card from one written for me (yes my birthday was mine) with a heartfelt message – and words can mean so much more than a gift at times. The other visitor also had a gift for me as well – both unexpected surprises. While these gifts were nice, it was more the time and desire to want to connect and say in their own ways “I appreciate you and you being in my life” which means more.

The love of children for uncles.
I am grateful that my kids get to grow up knowing and being able to connect with their extended family. This is a two way relationship though, as it only happens from having adults wanting to connect with kids where they are at and on their level. Today I got to see that in action in two different ways with two different uncles, both authentic and loving. How can I tell this is the case? Well it’s from the reactions of the kids, wanting to show them what is important to them to the adults and then the adults reciprocating by making time and being fully present in that moment. How often in today’s world these moments get missed – what a special opportunity to build relationships.

What I have loved best.
In the car on the way home from Mass we all shared what we have loved best from the holidays. There were lots of conversations around activities and experiences but then it was summed up best by one of the family members: “I just love that we all got to spend time together”.

I think that says it all, what is truly important in this world and as we live our lives interacting with those around us.