Gratitude Journal Day 8 – Reflection

It may seem a bit funny to title a diary entry “reflection” when really that’s what every journal entry, a reflection on what has happened throughout the last 24 hours. However, I really feel that this theme as the school holidays come to a close is an important one in itself that shouldn’t be missed.

School holidays at a close.
Today marked the last day of school holidays and I am grateful for this. Not because of the going back to school, but rather because the experiences that I have had over this time off has given me a chance to stop, look inward, reflect, and take action into how I want my life and, as a result, the impact I can have on those around me to be. This is especially as I start the next term.
I am grateful for my colleague and good friend John giving me a copy of “The Resilience Project” and me making the time to read it over the holidays – it really resonated and rekindled a number of thoughts I have regarding wellbeing and how to live well.

Growth and celebration.
I am grateful for my wife and her playing soccer this year. The example that this has set for our kids into it being important for both mum and dad to have things in their life which they love and enjoy and that we celebrate the successes of each family member. This culminated yesterday with her team winning the Cup in their division. It was against the odds with the team they were playing a division higher and having been undefeated the entire season. A test of character, resilience and discipline as they managed to win it on penalties after being one – nil down. I am so proud of the achievement and grateful she has gotten to experience this with her team mates.

Family conversation.
My kids at dinner time have now jumped on the gratitude band wagon themselves. They have started sharing the things they are grateful for every night when we gather. Tonight was a bit of changed version with every member needing to list the five things they were grateful for that occurred during the holidays. I feel like there’s already some wins happening there – now to keep it happening during school term when things get busy!