Gratitude Journal Day 13 – Generosity

Today I am grateful for the generosity that people continue to show towards me. This may seem a little cliche, but I want to especially focus on the small things: coffee for a meeting, authentic conversations, and open selfless actions for the benefit of others.

Coffee for a meeting.
Friday mornings we have our Pastoral Care meeting during Period One. Every meeting our Head of Senior School, John, brings us all a cup of coffee or beverage of our choice for us to have during the meeting. This act of kindness is not necessary but models a level of generosity and appreciation for all the team members and helps to build community between all of us. I am grateful for the authentic care that he show for us as a team.

Authentic conversations.
One of my colleagues who is also a great friend came by my office to share some amazing news about one of their children. I was asked if I had time to come for a walk and further chat, despite having work to get done I felt that this was the opportunity to connect and went for the walk and talk. We shared deeply and openly due to the time being made for connection. I am grateful for having colleagues in my life who have become friends, that there is a true meeting and connection in living life together. It has also reminded me of the importance in always putting people first before tasks and jobs – jobs can always be done later people are with us for a shorter moment of time.

Open selfless actions for others.
I am grateful for the selflessness of my wonderful wife. I got home to have confirmed that she had been booked to work night shift. I am grateful of the contribution this makes to our family in providing opportunities to our kids and paying for the food that we eat each week.