Gratitude Journal Day 14 – Hugs

Today marks the end of the second week of my challenge to keep a gratitude journal through until the end of the year. I have noticed that over these two weeks I am beginning to observe smaller moments that I am stopping and enjoying amongst the hectic and stressful pace of life. Today’s three moments, I think, captures this perfectly.

Time with kids being dad.
One of the things I love about my Saturdays is getting to spend time watching my kids do things. Sitting at a local sports venue watching one of them flourish in their chosen sport, smiling, improving, laughing and having a great time. It makes me remember why I do what I do every day – to provide these opportunities for them to have an amazing life and grow in their gifts and talents. I am grateful that I can have Saturdays to do this and connect, I know not everyone has that opportunity.

Random hugs.
While at the sports venue, the youngest would randomly come up to me and just give me a random big hug and announce “I just want to give you a big squish”. I am grateful for that authentic love and affection that is shown and cherish the moments I am the recipient of it.

Couch time.
I was sitting on the couch completing some work and the eldest came in an sat down next to me. I asked “what’s up” and the response was “nothing, I just want to sit with you.” I am grateful that they just want to hangout, may I never lose sight of these times and moments as being what it important in life.